Mental Health Blog



New Hope for Anxiety: Ketamine and TMS

New Hope for Anxiety: Ketamine and TMS

Anxiety, a widespread and often debilitating condition, affects millions of individuals worldwide. Medication provides anxiety relief for many people, but for some, medication alone is not sufficient to relieve anxiety completely. After trying multiple anti-anxiety...

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Can I Use Marijuana During Ketamine Treatment?

Can I Use Marijuana During Ketamine Treatment?

Marijuana and ketamine are both widely used to improve mental health. With cannabis legal in Colorado for both medical and recreational uses, patients often ask whether ketamine and cannabis can be used alongside each other. And does using cannabis during ketamine...

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How to Choose a Ketamine Clinic

How to Choose a Ketamine Clinic

As the use of ketamine for depression treatment gains in popularity, the demand for ketamine clinics has surged. Ketamine is highly effective and fast-acting, which makes it a popular choice for patients dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD, or other mental health...

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Mental Health Help for Military Members

Mental Health Help for Military Members

For many military members, the transition back to civilian life doesn't necessarily mark the end of the profound impact of their service. The stressors of military life, and even the life you knew before entering the military, can sometimes amplify or even spark...

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